Friday, December 6, 2013

I need a public venue to express my concerns about our laws in regards to 16 year old defiant children.

I'm not well and I need to speak frank in order to counsel myself out of such deep hurt and hatred.  For the past 5 years, but more specifically the past few months, my family has been harassed by my own scheming, calculating,16 year old sister.  She continuously delivers false, inconsequential lies (which defames our character) to various agencies in order to seek temporary respect and sympathy.  The problem is that when one of these agencies is able to finally see her true colors, she seeks out another agency specifically designed to protect minors.  None of these agencies are able to combat her behavior, because she has so many rights my friends.  So many rights.

After experiencing what I have with this demon, I wish I were a minor for my entire life.  16 year olds probably have more rights and freedom than me and you.  Did you know that in the State of Connecticut a 16 year old child/adult can make the decision to leave his/her home without parental consent?  The only way a parent can file a missing persons report for said child is if the parents weren't told an address to locate their child.  If the child decides he/she wants to spend the night with his/her boyfriend, and he/she tells you that's where he/she will be, then guess what?  Your 16 year old is free to fornicate all. night. long. Oh, but then when your child becomes pregnant with a child, you have absolutely no say in the matter and you ARE responsible for the child your child decided to create.  Lovely system we have here in Connecticut.  What else does this mean?  You can't discipline your child.  Really. You technically can't.  As soon as you say, "You aren't going anywhere for a week (month, year, lifetime...)" the child can retaliate (and have the law support his/her retaliation) by walking out the door you pay a mortgage on.  Just don't let him/her back in right?... Wrong.  You are legally responsible to allow that "poor, innocent" child back into your home with welcome arms whenever the child decides to come home to **** your life over even more.

One of her more recent criminal activities, while she was away on a hiatus, was vandalizing my vehicle.  She engraved her very own name into the hood of my car.  See below.  She was arrested, but the charge will be dropped when she is 18. She now has a probation officer and I am seeking restitution which I highly doubt I will get (just based on my experience with her winning every instance in which you would think someone should be reprimanded). She has always hurt my family emotionally and mentally, but when she stepped foot onto the property of my apartment complex with criminal intent, I went out and bought mace for me, my mom, and my brother.  Oh yeah.  I bought a knife too.  She has been in contact with her biological family which has threatened my family (but where were they when she was 3?) and she has made friends with undesirable members of the community:  some of which have smoke clouds around their faces in their social media profile photos.  I am scared. I'm scared for my physical safety.  She has threatened to kill my family.  There's a police report on it.  But all that's doing is leaving a paper trail until someone gets hurt.

And all anyone seems to care about is if she's being hurt.  As soon as there is mention that someone wants to inflict harm on her, an investigation is under way.  What new clues are they going to get out of an investigation that they weren't able to get the last week or the week before that? Or the year before that? I'm tired! My other siblings don't want to keep talking to people about her and things she claims to be true!  What about their mental health?  What about my parents resting a full night without worry something is going to happen to them?  How is she allowed and encouraged to debilitate my parents' health again and again with no repercussions, even though every time these investigative agencies deem her to be a LIAR!!!!

(("Heheh I am under your bed with a knife"))
((But people are worried about her getting hurt?!))

And now you may be saying... "Poor girl needs help."  Which is true.  Except going back to the mention of 16 year old rights... they can refuse service!  16 year old children/adults don't have to receive mental health services unless they want it.  She is currently in Respite Care temporarily for 2 weeks. The psychiatrist will only get to see her once before she comes home, right before Christmas, because the doctor is only in on Wednesdays. Instead of intensive psychiatric services, she took a pottery class yesterday. Must be nice.  Meanwhile at home, my family isn't receiving their vacation from her.  So, again, she is rewarded instead of being reprimanded or helped. This is all one sided.

One activity I hope they offer at Respite Care is for all 5 of her personalities to sit on the sharp object she engraved my vehicle with and twist.  But we all know she can only do this if she chooses, because it's her right as a 16 year old to do whatever she'd like.  And she would much rather prefer to sit on various other objects.  And just to be clear, I will not in any way, shape, or form be inflicting any danger upon her.  But I still have my right to religious freedom to pray that karma and justice will one day take its course so that my family can be healthy again, (which again, just to reiterate, will not be influenced by me or my family). So hop off or help us.

If you don't help us, you are enabling the children of society to jangle the keys to the kingdom.

Saturday, November 16, 2013

Shopping Tip of the Day - I bought a...

Are times tough? Of course they are if you are an average American!  Do you still need to shop for household supplies, personal care items, and food? Of course you do.

Download the app: Ibotta (get it? I bought a) to get money back in your pocket after your purchase of one of their advertised items.  

For example:
You buy chapstick at the retailer you choose (many retailers participate).  You click the two circle buttons on the bottom and do what it says (very short tasks like post on fb wall or read a fact). Bam - $.50 for you, once you scan the receipt and scan the product.  Once both of those are verified, you will have a balance of $.50.  Once you earn $5, you can transfer your money to PayPal, and then transfer it to your bank account if you wish.  

Ibotta even has some restaurant incentives, such as spend $6 at Burger King, get $1 back.  They also have referral bonuses, which I am trying to earn now :) Sign up and save!

View this page through your mobile device so you can download the app directly to your phone.  Happy Savings!!!

Sunday, October 6, 2013

My Christmas List!

I have an extremely large family and Christmas is one of our favorite holidays.  And despite my published online Christmas wish list that implies I love GETTING gifts, giving gifts is my favorite part about Christmas.  I enjoy the planning, list making, and shopping... and most of all seeing my family members happy with their gifts that I got them.  I actually hand out each gift separately so I can watch each person open his/her gift.  My family has a lot to be thankful for this year, so I expect this holiday season to be one of the best.  I will not be sad or mad if I don't get what I list below, in all actuality I very well may buy myself some of these gifts before December 25th... lol.  This is just my way of saying "Hey! If you wanna spend some moo-lah on me... these are my preferences!"

1. Knee High (or very tall) Leather Riding Boots
- Dark Brown or Black
- I already have a pair of brown ones, but they are worn
- Would prefer brown ones
- Will eventually get black too though
- Minimal amount of buckles and decor
- No suede!
-Size 8
-Prefer 19" shaft height
-All links are to Macy's but DSW may have some nice ones

Links to each boots (Left Column First - Then Right side)

2. Large Face Watches in Gold Tones

-Gold or Rose Gold
-Large Plain Links (no intricate details)
- Not a lot of gems/rhinestones
- Other watch brands I like are Fossil and Kate Spade
- 37mm Face
- All links are to Macy's but TJ Max may have some too

Links to watches:

3. Fragrances- Wall Flowers and/or Candles
 -No "fall" or "winter" scents please! For example - anything spicy or cotton! No thanks.
- Apple, lemon, and island margarita are good among many others!
-Anything fruity and clean!
-Would like 2 of these wallflower plugs from Bath and Body Works
-(1 for living room, 1 for bedroom - then I bring my hot pink one to school)
-Yankee Candles or Chesapeake Bay Candles (Get at HOME GOODS for cheap!)
- If Bath and Body Works only has fall scents for plug ins, a gift card will be good because they have the semi-annual sale right after Christmas where I may be able to get other scents.

4. MAC Creme de Nude Lipstick
- From Mac counter at Macy's or from Mac online

5. Turquoise Towels
- I can never have enough towels.
- I like to splurge on nice towels from Home Goods and Marshalls.
- The softer, not the better! A little roughness dries me up quicker!
- Personally, I never spend more than $10 each on a towel.

6. Electric Blanket
- Beige/Tan, White, or Teal Please
-The color above is nice
-Found this online at KOHLs
-Please buy from wherever the sale is
-Queen Size (if they sell in sizes)

7. Sally Hansen LED Nail Lamp
- $49.99 / BUT please do not buy if for this price or else I don't want it.
-$10 off coupon at Walgreens for November
-Can find at drug stores or Target or Walmart

8. Gift Cards
-Home Goods
-Sams Club (if they take it for gas)
-Groupons to local restaurants (Italian, American, Mexican, Night life like wine/fondue)

9. Coupons
-I've been having a blast with my coupons
-Look for coupons in stores that don't expire before Christmas
- Tearpads, Peelies, and Blinkies (all are coupons in store)
-This is free for you :)


I already asked the little kids (my youngest 5 brothers) in my family what they wanted for Christmas... I asked them to tell me three things: 
1. A place, activity, or restaurant they'd like to go to 
2. A specific kind of clothing or shoes (for example: Long Sleeve American Eagle Shirt) 
3. A book or book topic/Magazine
This way they get what they want, and I get to shop for what I like :) Win Win

Mommy, Daddy, Billy, Danny, Timmy, Nikki - Give a girl some options for things you may want for Christmas time!  Like anything on Groupon or at Home Goods? lol
This is the only time of the year I wish I had sisters instead of brothers!

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Teaching Tip of the Day - Zip Grade

For an updated, more in-depth review, and step-by-step picture guide, click here to see one of my newest posts!

I know scantrons aren't the rage of education these days, but I found a way to make them less of a hassle for when you do use them.  Download the app: Zip Grade.  It acts as a scantron machine on your smart phone device.  Need answer sheets? No more begging colleagues to help a sista out and give you a stack of scantrons OR no more hoarding scantrons for when you "really need them" and they're no where to be found.  Go to to print answer keys directly from their site.  For the first 100 graded papers, it's free.  If you want to grade more than that, it's only $1.99.  I think yes.

How I used it today: I hate assigning reading for homework (even though I teach English) because assessing who read the next day is always messy.  Not this time.  I made a multiple choice quiz for the rest of the reading selection and handed students a scantron as they walked in.  When they settled down and were quiet, I handed out the questions.  When they were done with the quiz they were to read their AR books.  While they read I "graded" their quizzes just by using the camera on my class iPad over their answer keys.  The app graded all the quizzes in less than a minute.  I also had immediate results on how students answered the questions... meaning, the app provides data as to how many students chose letter A, B, C, D, or E for each question. For example, if 9 students guessed the correct answer was A, but the real answer was really B and only 3 students got that question right, it's worth looking at why this happened. This really helps with knowing what you might have missed while teaching.  I will, for sure, be purchasing this app.


  • Easy Access - on my phone or iPad
  • Less Time - I don't have to go anywhere to do my grading and I don't put off the grading because of a dreadful walk (Funny story - ONE time I had to throw out a stack of student response scantrons because I waited too long to grade them because I never felt like getting out of my flow and going to the room that had the grading machine... awful!!!)
  • Immediate Data- It was easy to review today after the quiz because I knew exactly which questions students struggled on
  • Easy to use - not that a scantron is hard to use... but it's a dying breed.  Some veterans don't even know how to use the machine - let alone newbies.
  • Money out-of-pocket - Not a large price to pay though
  • Negative Rep - Scantrons don't get much respect these days in the teaching field, but can be used for quick feedback

Friday, September 20, 2013

Tip of the Day - "Back-to-School" Night

My school just hosted a "Back-to-School" Night for parents to come to each class to get an overview of what to expect from each class for the year.  At the very last minute, I remembered how I bought picture frames from Ikea for class stations.  I whipped these bad boys out and quickly created signs using MS Publisher.  Near every handout, I had a sign to easily identify what it was.  I received a lot of compliments (from other teachers).  I guess I can assume that parents liked it too.  I may do a survey with the names I received to get feedback on the night as a whole. Just speaking out loud here...

Monday, September 16, 2013

Idea of the Day- Ebates

Get a $10 gift card and cash back for doing something you already do through Ebates!

The site is easy to use - sign up for an account. Choose where you want your gift card from (I chose Target). Browse through their extensive list of online retailers (I mostly use LOFT) and click the store you were already going to shop from.  Make your purchase... That's it.  You'll receive cash back every time your cash back amount hits $5.

This isn't a get rich scheme - but its a good way to take charge of the purchases you already are making online.  With Christmas around the corner, it would be nice to see some of your own money back in your pocket where it belongs.

If you sign up through my link, and make the $25 in the allotted time (it was a couple months I believe) then I get $10 cash back.  And then you can solicit your own friends and family too to get $10 back for each of them!

Here are only a few retailers that are associated with Ebates:
  • LOFT - 6% cash back
  • WALMART - 1% cash back
  • Bath and Body Works - 2% cash back
  • Macy's - 6% cash back

Sunday, September 8, 2013

Teaching Tip of the Day - Donors Choose

About a week before school started, I signed up for a class project on I decided I would request a class iPad(with case) for students to use (instead of them using my personal iPad).  I didn't think much of the project which cost around $700... I figured "who knows" and "we'll see."  Well, I sure did see! KIA Motors of America sponsored half the cost of the project. Then, my mom jumped on board with a donation and used the code "Inspire" for donorschoose to double her donation.  Then, with the help of other people from the community (who I've never met) we met our goal in only about 2 weeks.

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Outfit of the Day - Leopard and Royal Blue

My room at school is still SO hot.  At certain points during the day I think it is almost cruel to have students in there... but I don't have many other options.  We can escape to the library where three other classes are scheduled to be in there at the same time... which doesn't leave me much room to teach and my kids much room to learn.  I haven't come home yet from school feeling clean.  I have had a continual film on my body every day.  I think you get the picture... and I think many of you know exactly what I'm talking about.

On to the pretty things... I got this leopard print fly away back blouse with royal blue along the edges at Marshalls for about $13.  I wasn't sure if I would wear it to school, but with my preface being about how hot my room is, I used this blouse as an option.  I layered a royal blue tank underneath so that there would be no inappropriate skin exposure.  I paired this lovely top with white Bermuda shorts (from TJ Maxx a while ago) and a braided flat pair of brown sandals. Oh yeah... and my usual watch which I still love.

Thursday, August 29, 2013

Teaching Tip of the Day- Reward Jars

I know I plan on using my reward cards as the year goes on, but I like this idea too.  I am holding a 4 book raffle for students that behave, students that complete their work, and students that act as a leader, etc.  I bought blue raffle tickets (at Walmart) and got each book for 50 cents at a church book sale (I already have each of these books in my class library).  The books are: 1. The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo 2. A Million Little Pieces 3. Twilight 4. Gossip Girl
I made the jars out of recycled pasta sauce jars, scrapbook paper (cut a 12x12 into 4 parts - 3" a piece), and attached labels I made with MS Publisher.

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Outfit of the Day - First day of school

Welcome to a new year of school!  I greeted my students today with a beautiful classroom (I worked with what I had) and an appealing outfit (although its not my favorite).  The heat also greeted us and made it a difficult first day - BUT here are some pictures of me and my classroom.

Do you love the stud bracelet?! I do too! I love gold and I love turquoise and how BA do the spikes and big links look?  I got my handmade creation from a seller on ETSY called Hbunnie who I also follow on Instagram.  That's where I got a coupon code for FREE SHIPPING!  Check her out!!
These monogrammed earrings I picked up from Francesca's during my back-to-school clothing shopping spree.

Pics of my class:

The wrapping paper for the bulletin board is from Home Goods. (See blog post here about it).
The green papers hanging from the top are papers with no names (yes, already!).  I plan on putting a banner on top saying "No Names."
And check out those lovely chalk boards... 
Since I don't touch chalk, I am using this chalk board as a magnet board instead to put other things I need.
I made these Literary Device Posters in MS Publisher and had them printed and laminated at Staples for less than $3 each.  I also used a coupon code with my order :MCSOFF for 20% off. They did a great job.
My students need to sign out to use the bathroom, etc. so I also used the chalk board (ledge) for an organizational space to eliminate the clipboard being on a table or desk.  I made the sign in MS Publisher, Printed it on Card Stock, used a blade and straight edge to make perfect straight edges, and finally laminated it with non heated lamination sheets. Pain in the A.  I have recently added a laminating machine to my Christmas list.
This may be a trick everyone knew except for me... but to avoid un-pinning your important papers that get updated all the time, put the push pin in the cork board and hang your document with a binder clip.  I also put my documents in a page protector.
I inherited this wooden treasure chest with the room, so I put it to use by putting the highlighters in it on a desk up in the front so all students can come up and grab one as needed.
This is one of my bulletin boards (none of them are finished) with zebra fabric. (See post about bulletin boards here).  I added the phrase "Wild Out" in cut out letters... then I'm going to make a sign saying "Accelerated Reading."  And below this bulletin board is where a lot of my books are for the class library.
I made these book shelf labels in MS Publisher and uploaded them to my TpT account for FREE.  I printed them on colored card stock and laminated these guys as well.

How'd your first day go?  Did you sweat away 5 lbs like I did today?  I could have swore I went into teaching and not a physical trade... Oh wait...

Friday, August 23, 2013

Project of the Day - Donors Choose Project

I have a great cause up on donors choose to hopefully get a class iPad.  With an iPad, the possibilities are endless! I will no longer have to interrupt class to call the library for permission for a student to leave the room to go quiz for AR. They can do it with my supervision IN CLASS.  An iPad can be used in a station setting with a research project or just for a quick google look up for something we don't know.

Please be generous and donate anything to my project! Use code: INSPIRE for Donors Choose to match your donation up to the first $100 until August 31st.  

Thursday, August 22, 2013

Project of the Day - Themed Menu Planning

I have one day left until my final weekend before I head back to school.  In a last scramble effort to do things that I thought I was doing all summer, I decided to take menu planning advice from Blissful and Domestic by using a themed meal plan for each day of the week.  See how she does hers here.

As I aspire to be an Italian (in the kitchen), I tweaked my themed meal plan a bit to fit in Sunday Macaroni/Sauce Night (per the suggestion of boo).  I figured these are too cute and too helpful (as we head back to our timeless devotion) to not share... so here you go... My gift to you.  One catch.. . please subscribe to my blog.  Because, c'mon seriously... 1 follower? Jeeze. I've been at this long enough to earn a few more so don't be stingy with ole' girl.

Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Teaching Tip of the Day- Use Fabric for Bulletin Boards

I'm sure I saw this on Pinterest, but here is my version of some ways to decorate your bulletin boards at school using fabric and other mediums.

I had left over zebra print fabric from a chair I was going to reupholster and never did - so I put it to good use by cutting it to size and using regular pushpins to cover my drab bulletin board.  I'm thinking the theme will be "Wild out with AR reading" so my incoming freshmen can become familiar with our reading program which I put a lot of emphasis on.  Click below for more tips on decorating your dull spaces.

Thursday, August 15, 2013

Shopping Tip of the Day - Back to School Shopping

It's almost time... I go back to school on August 26th.  I haven't been in a pool yet.  I haven't traveled out of state yet. I haven't been to any beach.  But I did find time to go shopping.  Gotta be prepared for Back-to-school appearances.  A lot of the pieces I bought can be switched up in various ways (through many seasons) and I show you only the tip of the iceberg as to how to do it.

Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Shopping Tip of the Day - Ask for Teacher Discounts this time of year

Stay tuned for a back to school teaching clothing haul... In the mean time I wanted to remind you to ask for discounts at stores especially during this time of year. I am not one to usually feel comfortable asking for a discount that is not advertised, however, this time of year makes it especially easy. A lot of stores advertise a "Student" Discount with a Student ID. All I did was say while checking out: "I see you offer a student discount... Do you offer a teacher discount?" And both times I asked they said "Yes." I received a discount of 10% at Charlotte Russe for two belts and a discount of 15% at H&M for a $100 worth of merchandise. 

More will be posted soon... In the mean time, here is a list of stores that offer Teacher Discounts.

Also, remember to ask stores about a discount especially during the back-to-school shopping season!

Monday, August 12, 2013

Project of the Day - Monogrammed Canvas Wall Art

NBD. But I just made the most fab piece of wall art.  And you're probably going to want to copy ole' girl's idea. I get it. I'm a crafty genius and you're gonna wanna cop my creative skills. I'll make it easy for you and give you step by step directions to get this juicy piece of monogrammed meat:

Thursday, July 18, 2013

Teaching Tip of the Day - Best Product Yet

I have been pretty much infatuated with cute fonts, Microsoft Publisher, and Teachers Pay Teachers in the past few weeks.  All my time spent into this obsession has created what I'd like to call my best Teachers Pay Teachers item to date: 10 Eye-Catching, Quality, Graphic Organizer Bundle Pack!


Sunday, July 14, 2013

Teaching Tip of the Day - Reward Cards #2

I'm looking out for you.  I know Reward Cards #1 took a little effort on your part if you wanted to use them in your class, BUT I re-vamped it up with better graphics and made it generic for every teacher to use.

Download the zip file from my TpT store for a start to an easy breezy year.

The following reward cards are as follows:
  • Listen to headphones
  • Phone Call Home to Brag
  • Switch Seats for the Day
  • Sit in Comfy Chair for the day (or maybe bring a small pillow if you don't have an extra "comfy" chair)