Friday, December 6, 2013

I need a public venue to express my concerns about our laws in regards to 16 year old defiant children.

I'm not well and I need to speak frank in order to counsel myself out of such deep hurt and hatred.  For the past 5 years, but more specifically the past few months, my family has been harassed by my own scheming, calculating,16 year old sister.  She continuously delivers false, inconsequential lies (which defames our character) to various agencies in order to seek temporary respect and sympathy.  The problem is that when one of these agencies is able to finally see her true colors, she seeks out another agency specifically designed to protect minors.  None of these agencies are able to combat her behavior, because she has so many rights my friends.  So many rights.

After experiencing what I have with this demon, I wish I were a minor for my entire life.  16 year olds probably have more rights and freedom than me and you.  Did you know that in the State of Connecticut a 16 year old child/adult can make the decision to leave his/her home without parental consent?  The only way a parent can file a missing persons report for said child is if the parents weren't told an address to locate their child.  If the child decides he/she wants to spend the night with his/her boyfriend, and he/she tells you that's where he/she will be, then guess what?  Your 16 year old is free to fornicate all. night. long. Oh, but then when your child becomes pregnant with a child, you have absolutely no say in the matter and you ARE responsible for the child your child decided to create.  Lovely system we have here in Connecticut.  What else does this mean?  You can't discipline your child.  Really. You technically can't.  As soon as you say, "You aren't going anywhere for a week (month, year, lifetime...)" the child can retaliate (and have the law support his/her retaliation) by walking out the door you pay a mortgage on.  Just don't let him/her back in right?... Wrong.  You are legally responsible to allow that "poor, innocent" child back into your home with welcome arms whenever the child decides to come home to **** your life over even more.

One of her more recent criminal activities, while she was away on a hiatus, was vandalizing my vehicle.  She engraved her very own name into the hood of my car.  See below.  She was arrested, but the charge will be dropped when she is 18. She now has a probation officer and I am seeking restitution which I highly doubt I will get (just based on my experience with her winning every instance in which you would think someone should be reprimanded). She has always hurt my family emotionally and mentally, but when she stepped foot onto the property of my apartment complex with criminal intent, I went out and bought mace for me, my mom, and my brother.  Oh yeah.  I bought a knife too.  She has been in contact with her biological family which has threatened my family (but where were they when she was 3?) and she has made friends with undesirable members of the community:  some of which have smoke clouds around their faces in their social media profile photos.  I am scared. I'm scared for my physical safety.  She has threatened to kill my family.  There's a police report on it.  But all that's doing is leaving a paper trail until someone gets hurt.

And all anyone seems to care about is if she's being hurt.  As soon as there is mention that someone wants to inflict harm on her, an investigation is under way.  What new clues are they going to get out of an investigation that they weren't able to get the last week or the week before that? Or the year before that? I'm tired! My other siblings don't want to keep talking to people about her and things she claims to be true!  What about their mental health?  What about my parents resting a full night without worry something is going to happen to them?  How is she allowed and encouraged to debilitate my parents' health again and again with no repercussions, even though every time these investigative agencies deem her to be a LIAR!!!!

(("Heheh I am under your bed with a knife"))
((But people are worried about her getting hurt?!))

And now you may be saying... "Poor girl needs help."  Which is true.  Except going back to the mention of 16 year old rights... they can refuse service!  16 year old children/adults don't have to receive mental health services unless they want it.  She is currently in Respite Care temporarily for 2 weeks. The psychiatrist will only get to see her once before she comes home, right before Christmas, because the doctor is only in on Wednesdays. Instead of intensive psychiatric services, she took a pottery class yesterday. Must be nice.  Meanwhile at home, my family isn't receiving their vacation from her.  So, again, she is rewarded instead of being reprimanded or helped. This is all one sided.

One activity I hope they offer at Respite Care is for all 5 of her personalities to sit on the sharp object she engraved my vehicle with and twist.  But we all know she can only do this if she chooses, because it's her right as a 16 year old to do whatever she'd like.  And she would much rather prefer to sit on various other objects.  And just to be clear, I will not in any way, shape, or form be inflicting any danger upon her.  But I still have my right to religious freedom to pray that karma and justice will one day take its course so that my family can be healthy again, (which again, just to reiterate, will not be influenced by me or my family). So hop off or help us.

If you don't help us, you are enabling the children of society to jangle the keys to the kingdom.