Wednesday, May 14, 2014

10 Easy Steps to Use ZipGrade (the app)

ZipGrade is the new, better, version of Scantron.  Zipgrade is a multiple choice grading/data collecting app available for all IOS products.  Android users, according to their website, ZipGrade is expecting an android compatible app this year.  For the first 100 scans, the app is free.  After that, it's $1.99 for 2 months or $6.99 for a full year.  Once you use up your 100 scans, I promise you'll be hooked.  I am now a subscriber for a year... or a lifetime. No walking to the teacher's lounge, no small talk with co-workers, no saying "hello" to lingering students in the hallways.  It's just you, your student responses, your phone, and your room.  Every moment is precious and this app helps make you more efficient, so you can actually (comfortably) leave at 2:30. 

Step 1. Download the app, ZipGrade

Step 2: Create New Quiz
You can label the quiz anything you'd like.  I label mine by topic and section.

Step 3: Select how many responses you are requiring
Answer sheets can be found here.

Step 4: Select "Edit Key"

Step 5: Fill in answer key

Step 6: Scan Papers using your cell phone's camera.
You need to align the four square corners of the answer sheet to the 4 corners of the scanner on your phone.  Let it focus, by having answer sheets on flat, well lit surfaces.  Once it focuses, it will automatically scan. NOTE: It will continue to scan if you don't remove it quickly and proceed on to the next one.  This is a very fast scanner.

Step 7: Select "Review Papers"

Step 8: Look at student scores on the right hand column.  Names are on the left (in students' handwriting).

Step 9: Select "Item Analysis"

Step 10: Analyze Results/Informal Feedback
With a quick glance, you will know which answer the students are still collectively struggling on.  For example, my students struggled a lot with #2 and #4.  I can address the issue in class before students leave and I don't have to let time lapse before a clarification is made.  But on a positive note, my students were all confident with #3 and #9.

You will not be disappointed.  Good luck with your zippity fast grading system!


  1. Thanks for posting this detailed review! This app looks awesome. Do you export your grades to use in an electronic gradebook? I'm curious how well that process works.

    1. What a great question! I never used the export tool, but I just looked into it. It appears it could be very helpful next school year! The possibilities just got even better. Thanks for pointing this tool out! And thanks for reading my blog :)

  2. What if you erase the the mistakenly filled answer and fill the new answer leaving unclearly erased circle,will the scan detect the new answer wrong even if it is correct?
